Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bake, Bake, Bake as Best as You Can…
Time to Swap Cookies Says the Gingerbread Man!

You’re Invited to the 1stAnnual Christmas Cookie Exchange
When: Thursday, Dec 16th
Time: 6pm
Where: Melissa Green’s House in Chillicothe RSVP to 274-4460 or

Melissa’s Recipe for a Successful Cookie Swap:
Bring at least 8 dozen cookies to swap and 1 dozen for the “tasting table”. Be sure to include multiple copies of your cookie recipe, or email your recipe to Melissa and she will post them to her recipe blog.
Bring a tin or container to take home cookies for your family.

Prizes will be given for:
Best Tasting Cookie, Most Original Cookie
~Craziest,Tackiest,Ugliest,Most Outrageous Christmas Sweater~
And the first person to RSVP :)